
Chocolate and Almonds: A Sweet Sensation For Global Consumers

Chocolate and Almonds: A Sweet Sensation For Global Consumers

December 06
09:02 2013

The confectionery combination of almonds and chocolate is gaining tremendous momentum with consumers and capturing the attention of manufacturers worldwide. Over a five-year period (2007–2011), confectionery product introductions with almonds jumped an impressive 113 percent. Thirty three percent of the global almond introductions in 2012 occurred in the confectionery category.

Research shows that including almonds in either dark or milk chocolate is an appealing combination for consumers’ globally. Twenty-nine percent of all chocolate consumption occasions around the world included almonds – a significant proportion considering the variety of products and ingredients that are consumed across countries and cultures.

Of course, the popularity of chocolate products with nuts is nothing new, but the fact that almonds are included in more than half of chocolate and nut consumption occasions worldwide is impressive. Favorite foods and flavors may vary across the globe, but almonds have transcended borders as a consistent confectionery favorite inclusion for consumers around the world.

What does this mean for manufacturers? Kate Thomson, director of insights and strategy for the Sterling-Rice Group, believes the opportunity for creative almond and chocolate pairings is strong and growing. “Manufacturers that are including almonds in their chocolate products can be confident they are already developing to meet consumer demand for this flavorful, nutty combination,” she says. “Looking forward, if current consumer preferences are any indication of future demand, almonds and chocolate will continue to spur product innovation as manufacturers develop new ways to offer this tried-and-true pairing.”

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