
Franciscan Well Launches Jameson-Aged Pale Ale in Latest Collaboration

Franciscan Well Launches Jameson-Aged Pale Ale in Latest Collaboration

Franciscan Well Launches Jameson-Aged Pale Ale in Latest Collaboration
September 09
15:04 2014

Cork craft brewery Franciscan Well and Jameson Irish whiskey have launched their second collaboration, Franciscan Well Jameson-Aged Pale Ale. Building on the critical acclaim of the multi-award winning Franciscan Well Jameson-Aged Stout, Shane Long, founder of Franciscan Well Brewery and Dave Quinn, Master of Whiskey Science at the Jameson Distillery, decided the time was ripe for another joint project, this time experimenting with the effect of Jameson barrels on the popular style of pale ale.

The term ‘back’ has long been used in bars and drinking establishments to describe a small measure of a drink, alcoholic or mineral, accompanying another drink. Traditionally, people would order a whiskey with a water back, a soda back or a beer back. Spirits have been accompanied alongside beer since the 1400s and to reinvent this tradition in modern context, two iconic Cork brands Jameson and Franciscan Well created Franciscan Well Jameson Aged Pale Ale to be enjoyed before a Jameson Irish Whiskey.

The pale ale is intended to be followed by the whiskey, or the ‘back’, with the bitter hops from the pale ale perfectly balancing the sweetness of the whiskey. The biscuit and malt of the pale ale combine in perfect equilibrium with woody spiced vanilla flavours with hints of sweet sherry in the Jameson. The flavours of both combined leave a velvet-smooth, mellow finish.

Shane Long says: “After the success we saw with our Jameson-Aged Stout, all of us here at Franciscan Well felt excited about trying something new with the guys at Jameson again. This time, our challenge was create a pale ale with enough flavour to make a good match for food but that would not overpower the whiskey. We’re really pleased with the result.

FranciscanWellJamesonProductsHe adds: “Jameson is local company from up the road in Midleton that has succeeded majorly on the international stage and we’re very proud to have worked with them on two fantastic beers.”

The Franciscan Well Brewery was founded in 1998 on the North Mall in Cork City and is built on the site of an old Franciscan monastery and well dating back to the year 1219. The brewery has combined modern technology with age old tradition, brewing classic beer styles including lager, ale, stout, and wheat beer.

Dave Quinn says: “Franciscan Well’s Jameson Aged Pale Ale is perfectly accompanied by a glass of Jameson whiskey. Following a beer with a spirit is an age-old tradition and I couldn’t think of a better man to help me re-imagine this convivial drinking ritual with our Jameson Aged Pale Ale than my fellow Corkman, craftsman and friend, Shane.”

Franciscan Well Jameson-Aged Pale Ale is available in 330ml bottles for an RRP of €6 at specialist off-licences across Ireland.

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