
Geoscience Ireland firms create 134 new jobs

Geoscience Ireland firms create 134 new jobs

Geoscience Ireland firms create 134 new jobs
September 08
08:41 2015

Geoscience Ireland member companies created 134 new jobs in the first six months of 2015, according to the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.

Geoscience Ireland is a network of 25 companies with expertise in water, minerals and infrastructure development.

These companies serve global clients in over 50 countries.

The GI network of 25 companies employs almost 1,200 persons and had a collective turnover of €252 million in 2014, of which 64pc comes from overseas business.

The organisation has the backing of the Geological Survey of Ireland and Enterprise Ireland.

Recent project wins include: design and construction of 15 water supply schemes in Ethiopia, funded by the European Investment Bank; investigations for a 45km water supply pipeline in Malawi, funded by the World Bank; Environmental Impact Statements for a marine terminal in California; lining materials for a Ghanaian gold mine; Waste Water Treatment plants in Turkey; and revetment design for marine works in Bahrain.

“The necessary reduction in infrastructure spending in Ireland since 2009 highlighted the importance of developing overseas markets for professional geoscience services,” the Minister for Natural Resources Joe McHugh TD said today.

“About half of the 257 new jobs created by GI member companies since late 2012 are in international markets.

“The continued success of the Geoscience Ireland network of companies in creating well paid sustainable jobs validates the support model provided by the Geological Survey of Ireland and Enterprise Ireland for these businesses. GSI plans to continue support for the Geoscience Ireland project into 2017,” Minister McHugh said.

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