
Join over 1000 delegates at the annual IT Food and Drink Summit in Birmingham

Join over 1000 delegates at the annual IT Food and Drink Summit in Birmingham

June 30
16:11 2016

downloadThe Food and Drink IT Summit’s annual gathering will be taking place on July 5th in the Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham.

The Summit will provide a timely platform to discuss and debate how Food and Drink companies are increasingly making the move towards creating a smarter business. More and more data is available throughout the food factory and across the whole food chain. This availability of data and the means to analyse it and effect improvements is leading to increased efficiencies, reduced waste, lower costs, increasing productivity etc.

The Food and Drink IT Summit, which has attracted more than 1000 delegates to register, will act as a forum for key stakeholders to discuss the challenges they come across when trying to improve their business through data, IT and software.

The speaker line up consists of senior management from influential companies who have delivered significant results in improving their business through IT.

Speakers from companies such as Siemens, SABmiller and Grahams the Family Dairy will be sharing their knowledge of how they have made their companies smarter.

You can register for this free to attend event and view the speakers here. Or call 016120880 for more information and opportunities to get involved.

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