
Over 222,000 Companies Urged to Prepare For Brexit

Over 222,000 Companies Urged to Prepare For Brexit

Over 222,000 Companies Urged to Prepare For Brexit
September 16
09:16 2019

The Government has started the process of directly contacting over 220,000 companies through the Companies Registration Office highlighting the need to take urgent action now to protect their businesses against the risks posed by Brexit.

With the increasing risk of a no-deal Brexit, Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, has instructed her Department to undertake this outreach to inform companies of the array of supports available to assist them with preparations. As part of the exercise, the Department will also be advertising its supports on various websites, including CRO.ie and RBO.gov.ie, which will experience heavy traffic from companies over the coming months.

This is the latest step in an intensive whole-of-Government approach to Brexit communications, ensuring that business and citizens are as informed and prepared as possible.

Minister Humphreys said: “Regardless the way in which the UK ultimately leaves the EU, Brexit will change the way we do business and we need to be prepared. While the Government is still hopeful that a deal can be reached, we cannot afford to take any risks and must continue to prepare for the worst. Unfortunately, as 31st October draws closer, the more likely a no-deal Brexit is becoming. Against this backdrop of uncertainty, it is essential that businesses act now to prepare.”

The Minister continued: “My Department and its Agencies have developed a suite of supports to help businesses with their preparations. I would urge all companies to visit www.gov.ie/brexit to find out more. The Government stands ready to provide every assistance possible.”

She concluded: “While the Government can assist in supporting businesses in the face of a hard Brexit, businesses must, of course, also prepare themselves despite what I know to be very difficult circumstances.”

In particular, the Minister drew attention to the ‘Getting your Business Brexit Ready – Practical Steps’ booklet. The booklet outlines the following 9 key steps that businesses – large and small – should consider now to make sure they are fully prepared for a no-deal Brexit. The Guide is available at www.gov.ie/brexit.

9 key steps that every business should review to identify the actions they need to take to be as prepared as possible for Brexit

  • Review your supply chain and UK market strategy
  • Understand the new rules for importing from or exporting to the UK
  • Be aware of possible changes to transport and logistics for goods transiting via the UK
  • Review all your regulation, licencing and certification requirements
  • Review your contracts and your data management
  • Manage your cash flow, currency and banking
  • Protect and inform your staff
  • Take advantage of Government Brexit programmes and supports
  • Know more about the impact on your sector.

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