
PwC Survey Shows Potential Setback in the Construction Industry

PwC Survey Shows Potential Setback in the Construction Industry

June 13
15:24 2016

A new survey by the pwc shows that many leaders in the construction industry believe that their business would suffer if Britain left the European Union.

The survey found that many of these leaders showed interest in planning legislation that required the Central Bank to alter their mortgage lending rules to be more affordable as one way to compensate for the potential business crisis.

Niall Cogan, PwC Real Estate Practice senior manager, says that keeping funding available to this sector for construction projects is vital to encouraging and sustaining economical growth in the area.

According to Ronan MacNioclais, the lack of sustainable accommodation is effecting foreign investment as well as deterring new talent from the country. But although these issues exist, he believes that the industry will continue to be sustained in the long term as new projects continue to flourish.

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