
Vegetable Boxes ‘Come of Age’ With New Organic Range From Produce World

Vegetable Boxes ‘Come of Age’ With New Organic Range From Produce World

Vegetable Boxes ‘Come of Age’ With New Organic Range From Produce World
October 28
09:03 2014

The UK’s leading grower and supplier of fresh vegetables, Produce World Group, has launched a new branded range of organic vegetable boxes called ‘Nature’s Premium.’ The launch follows the Soil Association’s annual Organic Market Report published in March this year which revealed that the organic vegetable sector has seen growth of 2.8 per cent in 2013, while mail-order, home-delivery and veg box schemes were up 11 per cent compared to the previous year.

The new range, which will be sold through Ocado, was developed by Produce World Group as a convenient solution for people that buy organic for its taste but don’t have time to shop around.

Traditional vegetable boxes are associated with muddy produce in strange shapes and sizes, but Produce World Group, as one of the UK’s leading organic growers, wants to change this perception and show that top quality, great tasting and good looking organic vegetables are available all year round for any occasion.

Andrew Burgess, Director of Agriculture of the Produce World Group, says: “Taste is a big reason why people buy organic vegetables, with the new Nature’s Premium range representing the very best on the market. The launch signals a coming of age of the organic vegetable box, with Nature’s Premium delivering a quality and consistent product for those that want to choose organic. All of the vegetables in the box will be conveniently pre-packed and ready to be part of any meal occasion from normal weekday meals to Christmas dinner.”

Nature’s Premium boxes will be available for a variety of different occasions, which includes Sunday roast for four, dinner parties, Christmas, weekly meals for two and further occasions such as Easter or Mothering Sunday. Each box will include information on how to prepare the organic vegetables.

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